Christian Service Center Campus Tour

Christian Service Center Campus Tour

Join us for a tour of Central Florida's front door for homeless services

By Christian Service Center


Christian Service Center

808 West Central Boulevard Orlando, FL 32805

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Tours at the Christian Service Center last for one hour (up to 1.5 hrs max) and are an opportunity to receive a deeper look at the activity happening on the campus of Orlando's comprehensive day services center for the homeless. Learn how you can engage with solutions-based programs that are making a difference in our community. We look forward to showing you the hard work being done each and every day to reduce homelessness!

Each tour is followed by time for a question and answer session.


Frequently asked questions

Where do I park for a tour of the Christian Service Center?

Parking spaces on campus can be limited or full in the late mornings with so much activity among partners and volunteers. When that happens, there is free parking along Central Blvd. and along Glenn Lane on the soccer stadium side (Glenn is the brick side street on the east side of the CSC).